
Lisa Hannigan

I absolutely LOVE Lisa Hannigan's voice. When she parted ways with Damien Rice, I was hopeful she'd do a side-project.

After browsing her website, I found that her new album "Sea Song" is available to purchase on her website! AND you can also stream some of it there too. Yay.

(Um... I also wandered over to her blog where she wrote about her love for Bon Iver's song "Skinny Love," which I was obsessed with over the summer, and that she just read The Book Thief (thanks for the recommendation, Ali!), which I just started reading. Wow. I really think we're meant to be friends.)


Aimee said...

Funny, I just started The Book Thief too. We'll have to share our reviews on GoodReads.

Les said...

I really liked The Book Thief too. Sounds like we all have such impeccable taste!

I couldn't ever quite get into Damien Rice, but I'll definitely her stuff out.

Les said...


kami @ nobiggie.net said...

She opened for Jason Mraz and did a duet with him. She has a cool voice.

jo said...

i hope you like the book thief. i read it a couple of months ago and really dug it.
thanks for the lisa hannigan tip! i didn't know she had a solo album, or even a website. so that's good to know!
also, i've really been in love with bon iver lately. i like "flume."

Megan Whittaker said...

so THAT's the mysterious voice on those songs....thanks

ali said...

You're welcome. I'll tell my sister; she gave it to me for my birthday and I devoured it.