
A Little Comic Relief...

Did anyone catch this last week's episode of 'The Office?' I did, and it was just the comic relief I needed.

Remember the beginning scene where Jan tells Michael the Scranton Branch will be closing? I received almost the exact same news on Monday. My boss from NY called to tell me I was being 'let-go.' Let go... Let go... For me that phrase was always a little dramatic. In poems I wrote in Junior High and High school (my "oh, woe is me" days) that seemed to be a repetitive theme. And, now, at 26, I was being told the exact same thing.

And, just as Michael thought- "We are screwed!" and "This is the worst." I immediately felt those same feelings...

But in Hollywood, there's always a happy ending. All is well for the Scranton Branch employees ... Their jobs are saved! The branch is not closing! Pheew. (And, this is a great thing... can't wait to see the chemistry between Jim and Pam again. It's about time Jim came back-- things were getting boring without him.)

But, let's face it, I don't work for Dundler Mifflin... And, 'The Office' is only a television show. But, if I could re-write the sitcom that is 'Lacey's Life,' would I change what happened to me? I mean, I did receive a great severance package... (By the way, did you know the word severance is defined as "the act of being severed?" And, to be honest, it felt like my hand, foot, or pinky- something that I desperately needed- was being severed.)

I don't know if I would. Life's now just a little different. Things will turn out how they're supposed to. (That's another phrase that- although used a lot- always brings a little needed comfort.)

I'll be spending more time on Craig's List, Hot Jobs, and the like... Besides, just like Pam said, maybe this is a blessing in disguise...

Albeit, a creepy, dark, disguise, but a disguise nonetheless. So, wish me luck in the Job Search! Things can only look up from here...


ali said...

Sorry to hear the bad (maybe eventually good) news, Lacey. I've been wondering where you've been all week. I would like to offer some advice, but we all know how not-great I am at finding jobs. Let me know if I can help, though, and keep that chin up, and that ear to the grindstone ... or is it your nose? Or maybe just your shoulder to the wheel.

Anonymous said...

Lacey I am so sorry to hear that news. You should come work at the FC. Its pretty fun. I'll keep my eyes/ears peeled/open for any openings.

Kim said...

Lacey, I haven't stopped thinking about it all week. But I definitely know you'll find something and maybe it's something you've been destined to do anyway? You never know. Or maybe it won't be that great but you'll meet someone that will give you a new opportunity . . .the possibilities are endless, especially for someone with your creativity, work ethic, and smarts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lacey! I'm James Crowley's sister, Tiffany, remember me? I found your blog link from James and Dede's blog and you have a great site. Sorry to hear of your layoff. I hope you find something great very soon! Take care and keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tiffany- of course I remember you...! Yep, the interviewing has started; I absolutely, positively, have the hardest time trying to convince a total stranger to hire me. But, everyone's kind words sure have helped!