
Music to My Ears...

I've linked to Pandora in my happy! links, but for those of you who haven't taken advantage of this fine service, it's a radio station that you can personalize. For example, do you love Regina Spektor? If so, enter her name into the radio station, and they'll play her songs and other bands that are reminiscent of Regina's.

The founder, some guy named Tim, will be in Salt Lake City Thursday evening at 7:30 at the Salt Lake Library. He'll be discussing his vision of Pandora, and welcomes any feedback on how to better the service... So, if you'd like to go and offer sweet suggestions, you should.

Also, there's supposed to be free paraphernalia, including: t-shirts, stickers, buttons, and other junk.

Anyhow, wish I could go!


ali said...

I got a press release about that Pandy event, but I couldn't help but think, what's in it for me? Well, now I know: free junk!

You introduced my to Pandora and I will be forever indebted. It got me through many a bad day at work during the job-hating days.

Bridgett said...

Thanks for letting me know about Pandora. I am really liking it. How long has it been around?