

Ali tagged me to come up with 5 things about me. After the 100, it was a challenge to think of something new. But, I was able to come up with these 5 things, most of which, I’m sure you don’t know about me.

1. This jewelry box is one of my most-prized possessions:

My Grandma Elly bought it for me while we were in Switzerland. When it opens it plays ‘Edelweiss.’ It stores my favorite pieces of jewelry, and each time it opens, I think of my sweet Grandma.

2. I love to make people laugh. My mom even reminds my siblings that she thinks I’m very funny. And each time she says it; I relish in it. I truly believe that laughter is the best form of medicine.

3. I shed... big time. I didn't realize how much until Jeffrey started pointing it out to me. When I wash my hair in the shower, rather than have a hair-ball get caught in the drain, I collect the hair that falls out and make a design on the shower wall. (Sorry. Don’t get grossed out.) Tonight’s image: I think it looks like a face. But, you interpret it for yourself:

4. Jeff has a box full of old pictures, magazine articles, letters and other miscellaneous pieces that he’s collected throughout the years. When we were married, I dug into the box and found this:

It’s a picture of me in 1996 when Jeff and I first met. (I think it was Jeff who took it.) We were both developing crushes on each other, and little did I know, he kept this picture all this time.

5. And finally, in my head, I create very vivid music video concepts. They’re good too. I’d share my best concepts with you, but I think I need to keep them to myself. Who knows? I really could direct a music video someday.

Now, for the best part, I'm tagging Annelise, Courtney, Autumn, and Dede. Have fun!


Lorilee said...

I got the chills when I read #1 about the jewelry box. That is so neat Lacey...what a great possession to always have.
The whole hair bit grossed me out, but the picture from 1996 quickly changed my thinking.. is that really Lacey?

ps. I think you're funny too.

ferardandy said...

hey lacey, it's fergi,
i do the same thing in the shower...and i think your're funny.

ferardandy said...

hey lacey, it's fergi,
i do the same thing in the shower...and i think your're funny.

jamieanne said...

I have a similar hair problem. But so much comes out in the shower, that I can't make pictures of it. Ewww.

ali said...

I think you're funny too Lacey. And thoughtful. As your hair drawings prove.

Don't worry, Lori gets grossed out by dark hair really easily. I, on the other hand, think you are hilarious.

And I love the jewelry box too. And 1996 Lacey. If I found a picture of myself in 1996 I'm not sure it would make it's way to my blog.

Thanks for being up to the challenge! You're the only one who has done it. :) So far.

ferardandy said...

i like to leave comments twice.

ferardandy said...

i like to leave comments twice.

Anonymous said...

Oh sissy you and your hair drawings! I would love to hear your music videos ideas....And as hard as it is to admit it-you do make me laugh!

allison said...

lacey, i loved reading these! i also love that picture of you that jeff took. you look so young! i need to think of my five..

allison said...

also...i think you are one of the funniest people i know.

Kim said...

Agreed with everyone, I really think you are funny and I love that you like to make people laugh especially because you are always laughing at other people. That picture of your hair drawings just proves how funny you are!