
The Beehive House

“Remembering the past gives power to the present...”


Kristin said...

Is this the Beehive House where you can enjoy a bit of tea? I've always wanted to go there :)

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to tell you that i've been looking through your blog posts and i love you.

that's all.

and i want rory and jess to end up together too, i think they will meet up at a literary event in nyc in a couple years and decide to settle down together and free lance in stars hollow where they will be neighbors to l&l who had twins.

Lorilee said...

I love the Beehive house... it takes me back to my eight year old Birthday party (which was at the Lion house, but included a tour through the Beehive house as well)

That photo of the doorknob is awesome.