+ I still worry… a lot.
+ I eat… a lot.
+ At my last doctor’s appointment, she said that I’m “growing like a weed.” Isn’t that a bad thing? Why call me a weed? There’s gotta be something more poetic.
+ I still try and sneak in a nap whenever I can.
+ I now feel awkward being around people who do not know I’m pregnant. I’m assuming they think I’m gaining lots of weight.
+ I still like to round up a week whenever I tell people how far along I am. However, I’ve learned to tell them in months rather than weeks.
+ I’m still very emotional. I well up every single day.
+ I bought clothes for our little boy while on a trip to NY and couldn’t believe how real it felt.
+ I still talk a lot about my body’s changes. I think I ask Jeff (three times a day) if my belly has grown. It usually has.
+ On said trip to NY, my body became almost useless. I couldn’t walk without something being in pain.
+ I think I’m a pregnant wimp.
+ My feet have started to swell (well- not on the everyday- but, when I was walking everywhere in NY they were)- so, I did the unthinkable: I bought Crocs.

(My crocs and I are on the right; my hot cousin in hot boots is on the left.)
+ But, they’re not bad right?
+ I’m starting to do research on all-things baby. Friends and sisters are a tremendous resource.
+ I have three pregnancy-related books on my night-stand that I peruse every single night.
+ I get heartburn just by looking at food.
+ Jeff and I already have many nicknames for the baby boy.
+ Baby's ultrasound picture is my new bookmark.
+ This baby boy is already so, so loved...