
Cold Ears, Warm Heart...

Here's a little project I worked on this weekend... I made this accessory to keep my ears warm.

I also figured this crocheted piece could be used as a belt, if I'm feeling really daring.

I'd give you the instructions to this piece, but I made them up as I went along! However, I will tell you this- it's really easy to crochet. Make sure you leave a hole at one end, and then attach a button to the other for the clasp.

(Don't mind my pose... It's hard to take a picture of yourself without looking ridiculous.)

I decided to dive back into my yarn bag to create something, and this little piece warmed me right up!


ali said...

Cute! Great pic, too.

Lorilee said...

Very cute Lacy.. I love the bright red. Funny thing... last night Cody's sister was measuring my head and asked me if I'd like a crocheted headband for Christmas. I responded with a "oooo yes!"---anything to cover up my greasy hair. Hopefully she will make it as cute as you've made yours.

Anonymous said...

I hear you there... Last week I went a record breaking 6 days! without a wash... (well, I do wash the bangs, of course.) And I can tell you- that was a little too long.

Kim said...

Very cute Lacey, I'm so proud of you for figuring that out. I wish I thought crocheting was easy. You might have to teach me.

Anonymous said...

Such a model. When I saw this picture I thought 26 never looked so good.....

Anonymous said...

ooh please make me one too zootie!!

Anonymous said...

Lacey! I'm so impressed!!! I love it, you are so talented...and hot!