
Save Me, Not Meredith

(Warning: Spoilers!)

So, Meredith didn't die after all. She made it back without brain or nerve damage, and the full ability to speak. (And, even the ability to cuddle up to McDreamy.)

I don't know what I was expecting from 'Grey's' tonight... Meredith couldn't have died. But, the writers sure did a good job of making us think she would.

For me, this final episode in the series didn't live up to all the hype. Maybe I did want Meredith to die... That way, the show would've been more believable. And, now, it isn't.

The one thing that did save this show for me: the music. Wasn't it great?

The Damien Rice song at the end was beautiful. I'm pretty sure the song playing was called 'Sleep Don't Weep,' which isn't available on his Myspace Page. But, it was a perfect song for the scene.

Another beautiful song they played twice last week was 'A Bitter Song' by Butterfly Boucher.

The music definitely sets the tone of the show, and I think this week and last they examplified this remarkably. If only the writing was as convincing.

Besides Meredith's mom... who's next? Hopefully Burke. They need to send him packin'.


Anonymous said...

I agree completely--unbelievable story (literally) and unbelievable music (figuratively).

Kim said...

definitely agreed. I hated how she was dead and then all the sudden she just wakes up talking. And I thought she would be a little more excited about seeing Derrick since he was the reason she wanted to come back, right? Instead she just says 'hey'? I wasn't impressed.

Anonymous said...

I secretly wanted Meridith to die too, I know I could count on you for the music!
BUT I'm pretty sure I saw a couple of tears rolling down your checks.

Unknown said...

where did I go wrong as a mother? Brecke and Lacey you need to check your spelling! Burke is sexy.

ali said...

Burke might be a little of in real life (I forget his real name) but on-screen, I think he's pretty great.

Plus, if he died, what would Yang do? Buy a dollar store?!

ali said...

Sorry, Pam. That was supposed to say "off."