
Cut It.

Ahhh… I went to get my hair cut and colored today. What is it about the shine and smell that can never be replicated no matter what I do?

I was this close to cutting all my hair off today. It currently sits just below my shoulders, and I’ve been growing my hair out for sometime now. (It hasn’t been this long since my senior year in high school.)

I had no desire to cut off my hair until I was waiting in traffic on my way to the hair appointment. I was thinking: It would be so fun to surprise Jeff with a short, short haircut. (While we were dating my hair was always super short.) I wouldn’t have to worry about my long-locks that tend to fall out leaving a shredded mess in my bathroom, on my pillow, or worry about the long process it is just to get my hair straightened.

And, besides, isn’t that pixie look in? Michelle Williams and Victoria Beckham are sure sporting nice looks these days… Could I be that brave girl?

Another annoyance with my hair? It feels like it's been growing out forever. And then suddenly it quit; I suppose it just didn't want to grow any longer.

But, my sweet hairdresser, Candice, waived my whim decision until I really thought about it. (I guess she didn’t want to have a tearing-up client watching all her hair fall to the floor.)

Which also means- Jeff didn’t notice my new haircut. When I finally asked if he noticed anything different: “Oh ya- you’re bangs are shorter.”

So, I’m enjoying my long-locks for the time being. But, I am still aching to cut it all off...

Maybe next time.


Kim said...

Lacey I think you look so cute with short hair, you can pull off any look short or long!

Aimee said...

cut it! cut it! My theory is that long hair is beautiful and there is appropriate time in a girls life when her hair needs to be long but short hair is fun and everyone gives compliments one short hair because it requires style.

Cut it! Cut it! Cut it!

Lorilee said...

I had an urge to cut all my hair off too Lacey. I've never had really short hair, and I'm not really sure how I would look with it. I would definately have to do it on a whim though.....but you go first, I don't dare. :)

Dede said...

Lacey, you have the best hair! You're so lucky that you look cute with short or long. I was actually looking through James' yearbook a few weeks ago and saw your Senior year pic...so cute!